According to the story, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt after God sent ten plagues to convince Pharaoh to let them go. As they approached the Red Sea, Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after them. The Israelites were trapped between the sea and the army, and they cried out to Moses for help.

In response, Moses raised his staff and parted the waters of the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross to safety. The Bible does not provide a detailed account of Moses’ thoughts and feelings during this momentous event, but we can imagine that he might have felt a mixture of awe, wonder, and relief.

As he watched the waters part and create a path through the sea, he may have been filled with a sense of awe at the power of God and the miraculous nature of what was happening. At the same time, he likely felt a great sense of relief that the Israelites would be able to escape the pursuing army and reach safety on the other side.

Overall, it was likely a moment of intense emotion for Moses, one that he would never forget and that would solidify his faith in God and his role as a leader of his people.